A with accent (áÁ-àÀ-ȧȦ) Type Accented a on keyboard with ALT code (2024)

A with accent letter you can easily type on the keyboard using ALT codes. This article includes a list of codes for accented A letters such as an acute accent, a with accent, cedilla, diaeresis, or umlaut, accented A with circumflex, a with grave accent, or a with tilde.

Each accented letter is given an alt code. Using it, you can type the letter you want, Whether it may be capital letters or lowercase letters. You can go through the ALT code table for accented a letter given in this article to know which ALT code belongs to which type of symbol.

Click on a accent letter to copy, the letter will be copied to your clipboard.

This way you can copy the letter with an A with accentnd use this anywhere without the help of ALT code. So,bookmark this page for later use.

Alt CodesSymbolDescriptionALT 160áSmall letter a with acuteALT 0193ÁCapital letter A with acuteALT 133àSmall letter a with graveALT 0192ÀCapital letter A with graveALT 551ȧSmall letter a with dot aboveALT 550ȦCapital letter A with dot aboveALT 131âSmall letter a with circumflexALT 132äSmall letter a with diaeresisALT 462ǎSmall letter a with caronALT 259ăSmall letter a with breveALT 257āSmall letter a with macronALT 0227ãSmall letter a with tildeALT 134åSmall letter a with ring aboveALT 261ąSmall letter a with ogonekALT 11365ⱥSmall letter a with strokeALT 7845ấSmall letter a with circumflex and acuteALT 7847ầSmall letter a with circumflex and graveALT 7855ắSmall letter a with breve and acuteALT 7857ằSmall letter a with breve and graveALT 481ǡSmall letter a with dot above and macronALT 507ǻSmall letter a with ring above and acuteALT 479ǟSmall letter a with diaeresis and macronALT 7851ẫSmall letter a with circumflex and tildeALT 7861ẵSmall letter a with breve and tildeALT 7843ảSmall letter a with hook aboveALT 513ȁSmall letter a with double graveALT 515ȃSmall letter a with inverted breveALT 7849ẩSmall letter a with circumflex and hook aboveALT 7859ẳSmall letter a with breve and hook aboveALT 7841ạSmall letter a with dot belowALT 7681ḁSmall letter a with ring belowALT 7853ậSmall letter a with circumflex and dot belowALT 7863ặSmall letter a with breve and dot belowALT 0194ÂCapital letter A with circumflexALT 142ÄCapital letter A with diaeresisALT 461ǍCapital letter A with caronALT 258ĂCapital letter A with breveALT 0256ĀCapital letter A with macronALT 0195ÃCapital letter A with tildeALT 143ÅCapital letter A with ring aboveALT 260ĄCapital letter A with ogonekALT 570ȺCapital letter A with strokeALT 7844ẤCapital letter A with circumflex and acuteALT 7846ẦCapital letter A with circumflex and graveALT 7854ẮCapital letter A with breve and acuteALT 7856ẰCapital letter A with breve and graveALT 480ǠCapital letter A with dot above and macronALT 506ǺCapital letter A with ring above and acuteALT 478ǞCapital letter A with diaeresis and macronALT 7850ẪCapital letter A with circumflex and tildeALT 7860ẴCapital letter A with breve and tildeALT 7842ẢCapital letter A with hook aboveALT 512ȀCapital letter A with double graveALT 514ȂCapital letter A with inverted breveALT 7848ẨCapital letter A with circumflex and hook aboveALT 7858ẲCapital letter A with breve and hook aboveALT 7840ẠCapital letter A with dot belowALT 7680ḀCapital letter A with ring belowALT 7852ẬCapital letter A with circumflex and dot belowALT 7862ẶCapital letter A with breve and dot belowALT 145æSmall letter aeALT 146ÆCapital letter AEALT 509ǽSmall letter ae with acuteALT 508ǼCapital letter AE with acuteALT 483ǣSmall letter ae with macronALT 482ǢCapital letter AE with macron

Type accented a letter into your Windows operating system using alt code a as given in the instructions below.

To type accented a using ALT codes you must have a numeric keypad, obviously, every window computer comes with it but, the main important thing you should know is whether your system has a separate numeric keypad or not. If your system doesn't have a separate numeric keypad then, use fn + num lk keys to turn it on.

Now, let's look at the step-by-step procedure to type accented 'á' small letter using ALT code.

NOTE: Sometimes you find that some alt code not working properly. For example, ALT code for Capital letter A with breve and hook above (Ẳ) is ALT 7858 but, after typing this on your system you will get this dark shade ▓, so to avoid this, open a word document and repeat the same procedure (From STEP 1 - STEP 4) over there you will get the correct letter that is Ẳ.

Let's look at the step-by-step procedure to type accented 'á' small letter using hexadecimal code. Hexadecimal and Unicode for 'accented 'á' small letter' is á and U+00E1 respectively. By looking at these codes notated in hexadecimal as nnnn, wherein Unicode as U+nnnn. so, you can type any letter by knowing the hexadecimal or Unicode of a letter.

A with accent (áÁ-àÀ-ȧȦ) Type Accented a on keyboard with ALT code (2024)


How to do accents on keyboard alt codes? ›

Numeric codes for lowercase letters with acute accent marks are:
  1. Alt+0225 = á
  2. Alt+0233 = é
  3. Alt+0237 = í
  4. Alt+0243 = ó
  5. Alt+0250 = ú
  6. Alt+0253 = ý
Jul 29, 2020

How to type u with accent alt code? ›

Hold the Alt key as you type the following four digit codes on your numeric keypad: Alt + 0218 for Ú, upper case U with acute accent. Alt + 0250 for ú, lower case u with acute accent. Alt + 0217 for Ù, upper case U with grave accent.

How do I type a with an accent on my keyboard? ›

Press Control + `, then the letter to add a grave accent.

Hold the Control key down, then tap the accent key near the top left corner of your keypad. Release the keys. Then select the desired letter to accent.

How do I get é on my keyboard? ›

For example, for è you would press Ctrl + ` , release and then type e. To type a lowercase character by using a key combination that includes the SHIFT key, hold down the CTRL+SHIFT+symbol keys simultaneously, and then release them before you type the letter.

What is the Alt key for é? ›

Lower Vowels
VowelsAlt Code
11 more rows

What is the character of Alt 255? ›

The magic sequence of keys Alt-255 typed at numeric keypad places an Invisible Character symbol into text. This character looks like a blank space in the program code and SAS output but is processed and printed by many programs as a valid text character.

What is the Alt 164 symbol? ›

Alt-164 is “the lowercase ñ can be made in the Microsoft Windows operating system by typing Alt + 164 or Alt + 0241 on the numeric keypad (with Num Lock turned on); the uppercase Ñ can be made with Alt + 165 or Alt + 0209.”

How do I put an accent over a letter on a computer? ›

Acute accent (é): Press and hold the Control key (Ctrl) and the Apostrophe key (') near the Enter key together. Let go of the keys, then select the letter. Circumflex accent (û): Press and hold the Control key (Ctrl), the Shift key just above, and then tap 6 near the top row. Release the keys and pick your letter.

How to make Alt symbols on keyboard? ›

To use an Alt code, press and hold down the Alt key and type the code using the numeric key pad on the right side of your keyboard. If you do not have a numeric keypad, copy and paste the symbols from this page, or go back try another typing method. Note: The same content is also available as a PDF.

How to do foreign accents on keyboard? ›

Certain characters are as follows:
  1. ç (cedilla) = APOSTROPHE + C (type apostrophe first and then c) ...
  2. á (acute accent) = ALT-GR + A. ...
  3. ä (umlaut) = QUOTATION_MARK (SHIFT + APOSTROPHE) + A. ...
  4. â (circumflex) = CARET (SHIFT + 6) + A. ...
  5. ñ (tilde) = ALT-GR + N. ...
  6. à (grave) = GRAVE + A. ...
  7. ß = ALT-GR + S.
  8. æ = ALT-GR + Z.
Feb 11, 2023

How to do accents on QWERTY keyboard? ›

Windows: International Keyboard

To type accent grave (à, è, etc), type ` (to the left of 1) then the vowel. Accent aigu (é), type ' (single quote) then e. Cédille (ç), type ' then c. Circonflexe (ê), type ^ (shift + 6) then e.

What is the character code for é? ›

"É" can be typed by pressing Alt + 1 4 4 or Alt + 0 2 0 1 . On US International and UK English keyboard layouts, users can type the acute accent letter "é" by typing AltGR + E . This method can also be applied to many other acute accented letters which do not appear on the standard US English keyboard layout.

How to type symbols on keyboard? ›

Using the number pad on a Windows computer lets you use the ANSI code for special characters and symbols. Press Alt + [the number code for the symbol or accented letter]. For example, Alt + 1 inserts ☺, while Alt + 0153 inserts the trademark ™.

Why is my slash key an é? ›

Cause. The Text Services and Input language settings keyboard is set to a Canadian French Keyboard. On a Canadian French keyboard the forward slash key is an acute accent é. Even if using a English Standard keyboard, the computer is set to use a Canadian French keyboard.

Are there keyboard shortcuts for accents? ›

CTRL+grave accent (the key to the left of the number “1” on the top row of keys) puts a grave accent over the next vowel typed. The “6” key becomes a circumflex accent when shifted, so CTRL+SHIFT+6 plus either “a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, or “u” generates “â”, “ê”, “î”, “ô”, and “û”, respectively.

How do I type Spanish accents with Alt? ›

You can reference the following codes to specify the letters you would like to input:
  1. á = Alt + 0225.
  2. Á = Alt + 0193.
  3. é = Alt + 0233.
  4. É = Alt + 0201.
  5. í = Alt + 0237.
  6. Í = Alt + 0205.
  7. ó = Alt + 0243.
  8. Ó = Alt + 0211.

How do you type special characters with Alt key? ›

To insert an ASCII character, press and hold down ALT while typing the character code. For example, to insert the degree (º) symbol, press and hold down ALT while typing 0176 on the numeric keypad. You must use the numeric keypad to type the numbers, and not the keyboard.

How do you put accents on words when typing? ›

Press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard. While holding Ctrl, press the apostrophe key (') once. Release both keys and type the letter you want to accent.

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