Lady Boss (Lucky Santangelo, #3) (2024)

Ayesha Selden

26 reviews6 followers

May 30, 2013

I'm not even ashamed to give this Jackie Collins novel a 5 star along with writers like Toni Morrison and Alice Walker. Why, you ask? Because 20 years ago, when I picked up my first JC novel, as a freshman in high school, this filth lured me into a love for the written word. I read every one of her books I could get my hands on. I was fascinated by Lucky Santangelo and I wanted to be a Boss! So out of respect for the author who helped an inner city girl love to read, I give 5 *'s

Diane Wallace

1,261 reviews100 followers

July 7, 2017

Great series! interesting,entertaining,intuitive storyline that the author even took the time to add many of the same characters from previous series..nice storytelling as always (paperback!)


254 reviews7 followers

March 4, 2015

Still the very best book I have ever read. The book that makes me feel like women can be powerful creatures. Read this a very long time ago but I still love this book.


2,102 reviews20 followers

July 16, 2020

So despite me having marked this as read - I don’t recall anything that happens in it. Compare that to book 2 which is still recall - it was one of the first books I sneaked off my parents shelves when I realized that trashy books existed ...

Time for a reread methinks...

    owned-electronically romance


Author30 books124 followers

January 9, 2016

Lady Boss, for me, was kind of a risky investment of time. Chances and Lucky make for good companions in that they comprise one long story arc. Lady Boss, while carrying over several characters, introduces a new story arc and a cast of, ah, interesting people. The Santangelo bunch naturally are more three-dimensional and familiar, and only a few of the Hollywood folks endear themselves to you.

What's interesting is how timely this story remains. Lucky vows to clean up a studio mired in sexism and gets it done. This is a book from the 80s, and we're still dealing with these issues in entertainment.

The end appears to tie up all the ends in neat epilogue, so I'm curious to see what the next book brings.



9 reviews2 followers

August 12, 2011

It didn't grab me like Chances and Lucky did. I was tired of hearing about the actors, and nothing seemed to be really happening as I grew tired of waiting for Lucky to come out her disguise (thanks Abe Panther for this ridiculous demand). I'm weary going into the fourth, but I have to finish the series since I started. Getting tired of Lucky and Lennie's "make up and break up" status. What happened to some of the characters in Lucky? Where's Costa, Jess, and Matt? Hell, even crazy Alice. I think I'm going to miss Olympia's character. At times, I found her parts of the story more interesting than Lucky's.


1,103 reviews17 followers

March 2, 2014

While I still love Lucky and Lennie and some others...this book just lacked a lot of everything. Too many characters, not enough development of them??

Abe and his whole studio charade, I get why he did it but it was extreme. I am with Gino, Lucky really shouldn't have went after it without Lennie knowing about it.

    library-borrowed series


426 reviews

April 21, 2022

Another Jackie Collins gets five stars from me. I love the Santangelo series and I especially loved this book. The concept of Lucky going undercover to work for Panther Studios was brilliant and I loved learning more about her and the other main characters’ lives. Jackie’s writing is immersive and a pure escapism for me.

Sylvia "Chivy"

67 reviews

December 15, 2023

Not my favorite book in the Santangelo series, but still entertaining. However I do love Lucky Santangelo.


12 reviews3 followers

April 13, 2021

For me, it was not as exciting as the first two. That being said, it is still a good series to read.


36 reviews

January 6, 2021

MIND BLOWING!!! I came across this book in the thrift section of a lousy supermarket, the title intrigued me so I bought it with a ‘why not?’ mindset. And few days later I thank the lord that I had decided to buy it!!! It did not disappoint at all! This was the first ever Jackie Collins book I’ve ever read, I didn’t know who she was before as I was born in the 2000s.. I’m very sorry to hear her death even though I’m like 5 years too late. Anyways, sorry for the long rant, the point is that this book is totally worth the read, the plot, the characters, EVERYTHING! I love it I wish I could take it to my grave. Now that I’ve read this spectacular-impressive-outstanding-totally unforgettable book, I feel like there’s no other book that could ever EVER live up to it. I’m in love with Lucky Santangelo, she’s my new role model!! Wish I could give 7 out of 5 stars..

Francine Scott

Author2 books17 followers

September 13, 2016

The late, Jackie Collins is easily overlooked as a literary contributor. The fabulous wealth and decadence of the characters who find their way into her blockbusters may seem an unlikely setting for a noteworthy legacy. The Bitch, The World is Full of Married Men, Hollywood Wives and Lady Boss all find their drama in the neurosis of the rich and the conflict for women at this sharpest end of competitive society. The seduction of luxury and power alone are given an erotic charge. Her heroines, nonetheless, have desires that she has devoted her life to crafting into erotic writing which ultimately captures a sexual encounter on a woman's terms. It would be a mistake to think this trite. Few writers, however great, have achieved this with any success. Collins is one of the few.

S. Valentine

Author17 books185 followers

July 24, 2015

Jackie Collins does it again… delivers an action packed, bold, unputdownable book. This novel mainly focuses on Lucky and her journey to take over Panther studio’s, where she goes undercover. She wants to suprise her actor husband Lennie. It also follows the lives of several other intriguing characters. Jackie’s characters are as strong as ever, and her plots unpredictable and timeless. You never know what you’re getting with Jackie’s novels – her characters have a way of suprising you. I’m a huge JC fan, and will continue to read them, until I’ve finished them all, so check back for more reviews on this author.

The Book Posh

191 reviews4 followers

March 19, 2008

This book was decent. It didn't light my fire but it was still a good read. I am on a quest to finish this series. These are my first Jackie Collins books. I am beginning to realize that I don't really love Hollywood trash books but they are, at the same time, kind of fun!!


17 reviews1 follower

August 6, 2011

Trash novel. Summer read.


150 reviews16 followers

February 29, 2016

Another good book in the Lucky Santangelo series

    fiction jackie-collins lucky-santangelo


210 reviews24 followers

October 15, 2019

Lucky Santangelo is back! reads the blurb on the cover of the hardback edition, and boy is she ever.

So, to catch you up, I’ve been re-reading, just for the heck of it, all of the trashy novels I loved as a kid. I’ve finished Lucky (click for my review of that racy number), and now I’ve completed Lady Boss—the sequel (threequel? Is that thing?) to Jackie Collins’ Lucky which, in turn, is a sequel to Jackie’s bestseller Chances.

You won’t need to read any of the other books to enjoy Lady Boss. It’s a stand-alone novel with enough flashbacks and references to events in the first two novels to keep you in the loop of the tangled relations between the standing characters.

Ready? Ok.

September, 1985. Lady Boss opens with someone putting a hit on Lucky. We don’t know who and we don’t know why but there you go. Then, we learn that Lucky, the gangsta self-absorbed she-of-the-jet hair heroine, is planning to buy a movie studio as a gift to her sexy comedian husband, Lennie Golden (their hot and horny romance is detailed in Lucky).

You see, Lennie is the next up-and-coming comedian giving Eddie Murphy and Chevy Chase a run for their money, and he’s filming his first movie, Macho Man, for Panther Studios. Except he hates it, and he’s committed to a three-movie contract. So Lucky, being the chances taking wheeler dealer that she is, decides to buy Panther Studios as a surprise, free Lennie from his contract, and BAM! it’s all good for everyone.

But here’s the rub: before Abe Panther will sell his eponymous movie studio to Lucky, she must go undercover as a secretary for six weeks to spy on the movie stars and executives because something something dirt on the nepotistic studio executive husband of Abe's daughter. Doesn’t really matter. What really matters is will Lucky be able to pull off this charade? Will Lennie discover her surprise? And what juicy shenanigans will Lucky uncover at the movie studio?

So, there you go. That’s pretty much the gist. The first half follows Lucky in disguise as “Luce” (complaining constantly to herself about her disguise because she doesn’t look pretty) as she learns more about the thinly veiled awesomely trashy cast of characters populating the movie studio. And what a cast.

We have the pop singer/movie star Virginia Venus Maria Serria (a not even thinly veiled reference to Madonna) who’s starring in a private detective movie, Strut (Dick Tracy anyone?), and is rumored to be having a torrid affair with her co-star and movie director, Cooper Turner, a Hollywood manwhor* who has slept with all of his leading ladies (Warren Beatty, obvs).

Except that’s not the case. Venus Maria is actually screwing Warren’s, I mean Cooper’s, best friend—the charismatic New York City real estate mogul Martin Z. Swanson (one guess who that’s supposed to be. Gross). Meanwhile, Deena Swanson, his icy and perfect socialite wife, is planning a murder and has already hired lawyers to defend her, including Steven Berkeley, Lucky’s half-brother. Also, Venus’ slimy brother Emilio has his own plans to make some fast cash.

Then the second half follows the aftershock once the gig is up and every one knows Lucky is the new owner of Panther Studios. Will Lucky and Lennie’s marriage survive? Will some underhanded dealings unearthed by Lucky be the death of her? And who put the hit on Lucky?

There’s a slew of other over-the-top characters that populate the novel, and at 513 pages (in the edition I read) it’s a thick and juicy summer time beach read even better than the one before it. Thankfully, it’s not as problematic as Lucky but just as entertaining.

Next up, most likely, is Lovers and Gamblers. I don’t even have to re-read this one to tell you it’s hands down the best Jackie Collins novel. I’ve re-read it numerous times. If you only read one of Jackie’s novels that is the one. I can’t wait to read it again.

Teresa Biggie

603 reviews1 follower

December 23, 2022

THis is the third book but the only one that I have read. I am unfamiliar with any of the characters.... the main ones are Lucky and her husband Lennie. Lucky is a very successful business woman who runs an empire but somehow was able to disappear for 6 weeks as an undercover secretary in a film studio she was interested in buying. The same studio ( Panther ) that her actor husband was working for and complained every day about how awful the film was. Panther was known for lots of box office successful movies... lots of violence , drugs, sex and cursing. ( brings me back to the 1980's and when I think about all the movies I paid for..... not a lot of substance) This book was totally filled with sex....everyone is having an affair, It was like reading p*rn. When I think about the " romance" books I read as a young adult... pretty similiar to this. But Lucky secretly buys the studio as a present for her husband so he can get out of his contract and she vaguely thinks they can run it together but nothing about their relationship seems very partnership.... I can't imagine her letting him run anything... maybe in previous books. There are also some children involved and lots and lots of characters... producers and actors.

Renee M Ventrice

11 reviews

May 12, 2022

Guilty not guilty pleasure

Re-reading the Santangelo saga brings back so many memories, but also showed me why I named my son Gino! So much about this series makes me look back in time and realize how impactful they were they were to me as- then- a young woman, and now, an old one! Fast paced, exciting, cliff hangers around every corner--- empowerment, middle finger to the system- simply love reacquainting myself with the characters and traveling back in time! a very comfy and fun space to relax, in to Lucky and Lenny's next adventure!

Sandra Noonan

131 reviews1 follower

May 8, 2021

If you like Lucky, you will love this

If you're a fan of Lucky and the characters around her, you will enjoy this book. If you're new to the series, maybe not so much. It's better to start with Chances and read them in order. Lucky tends to wander into Mary Sue territory more often than not, but the story is great, lots of intertwined plots and
characters, both shady and sweet.


1,872 reviews61 followers

April 5, 2023

So after two books and almost 2k pages of enough internalized misogyny to make Phyllis Schlafly blush, with stories chock full of men and women who will literally hump anyone and anything, Jackie Collins suddenly decides to make Lucky purchase a movie order to get rid of casting couches and male dominance in favor of female-driven movies that are less horny. What?

Whatever. I'll still keep reading this garbage.

    movie-entertainment mystery-thriller-crime


104 reviews

March 16, 2019

This book was more of the same gritty, sexy writing from Jackie Collins. However, I found this book’s plot wasn’t as strong as the others in the Lucky series. It lacked excitement until the last 50 pages or so. The new characters in this novel weren’t as well developed as in the previous novels. Despite these things it still kept me entertained and I’ll pick up the next.

Lee-anna Dunk

1,263 reviews54 followers

May 24, 2019

Lucky Santangelo is a strong beautiful sassy independent woman who takes no prisoners. Running her studio her family with one hand tied behind her back she could do it all. But don't mess with whats hers she will bring you down and make you stay down.


147 reviews1 follower

November 18, 2019

Really enjoyed this as ever, with a fantastic cross section of players in the narrative. Great fun and incredibly addictive, it consumes hours you didn't realise until you see the time! Highly recommended


1,295 reviews6 followers

September 18, 2020

I had truly forgotten how well Jackie Collins can draw you into a story. You don't want to leave, even when it is over. The lives of the rich and famous are tangled and convoluted. Lucky is quite a character, a woman to be reckoned with.

E. Jamie

Author29 books79 followers

November 19, 2020

A wonderful exploration of Lucky's growth as a character as she learns how strength comes in different ways. Loved watching her learning how to navigate a marriage and what it really means to be a true partner to someone you love without losing your own bad ass sense of self.


222 reviews8 followers

December 1, 2020

My first Jackie Collins. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t read the first two Lucky Santangelo books, there is enough info given - but not too much, no major info dumps - for it to be easily coherent. A lot of characters which initially made it hard to keep track of everyone, but a fun page turner.


954 reviews4 followers

January 23, 2021

Thankfully I was able to get a audiobook of the long winded and boring, plotless book. This was so superficial and unrealistic I don’t remember much of what happened and don’t care to. Can’t wait to finish this horrible series.

Lea Kane

206 reviews2 followers

June 7, 2021

Lucky goes undercover to purchase Panther Studios. It is definitely fast-paced, some of it predictable but yet keeps you reading till the end. A few surprises, nothing huge. She does wrap things up a bit quickly. Still a fairly good read. 3.5 stars.

Lady Boss (Lucky Santangelo, #3) (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.