What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (2024)

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (1)

As you can see, we are all Magicians. But in varying degrees.

Just compare it to the different levels of education.

Some are still in the kindergarten level, others in the elementary division.

You cannot compare the abilities and accomplishments of those who are in the high school to the ones who are already getting their Masters or PhD degrees.

You may get back to this idea whenever you feel you are getting left behind or stuck with your spiritual practice.

The closest thing that you could do whenever these thoughts come up is to HONOR and EMBRACE your present journey.

You may say this mantra below or recreate your own.

“I am in my own path. I am in my own league. I am currently learning what I truly needed in this period of my life. I am advancing in my practice, one precious step at a time. The advance lessons don’t concern me, but I keep them as important signs of my progress and put them into my magick vault in case I finally needed them. The people who walked before me also had their own trials as they walk into their path. For now, these are my challenges and I looked at them as my shadowed mentors to move forward in my journey. Mistakes are part of the process. It is now my duty to correct them and avoid doing them again. I am supported by the Divine Cosmic Energizer and I am now filling myself with Its infinite energy to transmute my current state to a healthier and more beneficial one. God is my instant and everlasting supply and support. It is done. It is done. It is done. And so it is.”

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (2)

We are learning in our own pace, and this is something we need to constantly remind ourselves. Comparing yourself to others will bring more damage to you and your magickal practice, as if you are projecting to the Universe that your soul’s journey is NOT valid, and your gifts are lesser than others.

And to be honest, going thru these stages in your life are actually powerful moments to pivot or expand. Because this is the point where you are having an Ego Death and any masks that you use to cover yourself up begin to strip away.

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Think of these ‘feeling stuck’ moments as road checkpoints.

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (3)

A time to check ourselves after a long trip. A moment to relieve ourselves. To recharge what needed to be charged or even discharge. To reevaluate our recent decisions. A rite of passage.

Sometimes it doesn’t necessarily have to be a hard moment, you can be in the verge of things going well in your favor but all of a sudden, you kinda felt the need to sit down and reflect.

I’ve also heard that when you don’t know which way to go, means you are in the right path. When your path is already carved before you, probably it’s not the right one.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and kindly share your thoughts in the comments.

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Now, I’ll be sharing SIX checkpoint tips that you could integrate in your action plan as you are nearing ‘stopovers’ in your journey:

  1. Have a ROLE MODEL. And climb up to your role model’s lineage.

    What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (4)

    This might be a random tip but seeking mentorship as a beginner can easily cover a thousand years of study than doing everything alone.

    It’s always better to have someone to look up to than just solely believing in yourself.

    -Arami Vosotros

    Most of the time, navigating yourself after coming from a spiritual awakening can be pretty lonely. It wouldn’t be easy for you anymore to get along with the people you used to vibe with before, and it is because you are now operating in a different frequency.

    You tried hard to show them what you are finally seeing and learning, but it’s difficult for them to relate to you, and this can cause isolation, detachment, and even feeling abandoned by the Universe.

    To solve this dilemma, you need to have a role model.

    And to be part of your role model’s lineage.

    I’ve taken this concept from Austin Kleon in his book, ‘Steal Like An Artist’.

    This way it makes you feel less lonely and that you are moving together with people who also have been in your place.

    “I don’t believe in art. I believe in artists.”

    -Marcel Duchamp

    What if we replace the word ‘art’ to ‘magick’?

“I don’t believe in magick. I believe in magicians.”

I think I have a better version for this.

“Magick doesn’t exists without Magicians.”

Makes pretty sense in a way for me. What do you think?

When you are in your early stages of awakening, the infinite, vast information of different esoteric teachings can be quite overwhelming.

“If you devour all the history of your discipline all at once, you’ll choke.”

- Austin Kleon

For Kleon, in order for you to study and perform effectively as an artist, you need to chew on ONE THINKER that you really love. Study everything that there is to know about that thinker. Then find THREE people that your thinker loved and research everything about them. Repeat as many times as you can. Climb up to your new family tree as far as you go. Once you finally build your own creative lineage, it’s time to start your own branch. They can be like your friendly, invisible ghosts cheering you for your progress and make you push forward.

I think this can also be applied to your spiritual study and learning. Seeing yourself as part of a magician’s lineage (which sounds cool, btw) will make you feel less alone and even make you feel inspired to continue your practice. I also suggest to not limit your magickal lineage to those who have already passed on and research modern-day magicians who are still alive and active whom studies and look up to the same role models as you are. This way, you can reach out to them and if they say yes, now you can have a physical network that shares similar insights and magickal goals with you.

But, then again, getting attached or to the extent worshipping your role model, is a whole, new article. I’ll be discussing the dangers of being emotionally attached to your spiritual mentors and to a specific spiritual system and how we can rewire this perspective in my future letters.

  1. Active application is highly encouraged than regular yet passive studying.

    What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (5)

    Have you ever heard of ‘Armchair Magicians’? The ones who consumed a lot of magickal content but in reality, are not practicing magicians? For me, this is quite a bias representation of someone’s unique journey. As Marilyn Young writes in her Medium article, ‘The Armchair Magician’, she said that these type of magicians plays an important role in the magickal current - keeping it alive and passed on.

    In short, the armchair magicians help maintain the history of Magick.

    “Of course, it is always better to practice Magick for your own benefit, but I think the armchair magician plays a needed role.

    In conversations with friends, colleagues at work and whatnot, if any occult or esoteric subject comes up, as they do, they can interject commentary into the conversation from a knowledgeable perspective. They can help educate others in order to see a topic in Magick with a more enlightened view. Heck, it may possibly spark an interest in that person that they may end pursuing [practicing magick].”

    - Marilyn Young

    After all, being a couch magician (how do they come up with these terms? XD) doesn’t really mean you are NOT practicing any magick. Magick isn’t exclusive only to those creating spells and performing complex rituals.

    Just improving one’s energy or etheric body is already a sign of a successful magick. And for the record, just because someone is studying the occult or esoteric science are already considered good people.

    For me, it is better to be an armchair magician than to be a reckless one.

    I also believe we are all armchair magicians at one point and another, since we are trying our best to understand multiple concepts and making sure that we have everything prepared [including ourselves] first, before doing any magickal work.

    Yet, I don’t encourage it either, most especially if we are letting the time pass away [intentionally] before we could start up things.

    Sometimes, the best cure for immobility and stagnancy is its counterpart - MOVEMENT.

    Just like energy, you are meant to move, to flow.

    Even just sharing your magickal knowledge to others is another form of moving the energy into the cosmos.

    Maybe being an armchair magician is not too shabby at all.

    Or can we just take that label out and keep it to just students of the Divine Arcane, shall we?

  2. Mourn for your past [and current] Self.

    What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (6)

    Cry. Buckets of it. Find a quiet, safe place for you to mourn.

    There is most likely a past version of you before you get spiritually awakened.

    Mourn for that person. Mourn for what he/she has gone thru just to be in your current shoes today. Then give it a one final astral hug and let it go.

    Did you know crying is a form of cleansing?

    Release any burden or baggage that is too heavy for you to carry forward.

    Know that everything is never lost, but you are just transmuting it to another form and thanking it one last time for keeping you company - whether for the good or bad times.

    Also, understanding the space time continuum, the line between the past, present, and the future has been blurred. The Yesterday You can be already different from the person you are today. Just imagine those days when you finally graduated from college or when you step foot into your first day at work. It is a clear significance that you need to adapt into a new personality in order to fit into your present situation.

    Note: I always try my best to say “Grand Rising” instead of ‘Good Morning’ because why should we mourn whenever we wake up? Why we need to mourn when we are gifted another day to be alive and do things here in the material plane? Words are spells.

  3. Have ‘I Did Nothing’ days.

    What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (7)

    Sit in your front porch. Watch the rain falling. Sometimes we just need to stop. We just need to listen. To cease what we are currently doing and do other things we aren’t able to do just because we are so busy. To realize that we may be needed to pivot or plant new seeds.

    Let these particular days be your constant reminder that you are not on a race for ascending ahead than the others, but you are being reminded to genuinely savor your physical experience.

    Whether things are good or bad, they’re still experiences that will help you grow.


    When you have done it all, exhausted all the movement in the world you could perform - now just be still. I also consider this as a form of cleansing. And as you slow down and put your awareness to the present moment, gratitude immediately comes in. This is basically why we are being encouraged to slow things down and keep still.

    Gratitude has a hard time coming in to someone who’s too busy and are all over the place.

  4. Pour your heart [and soul] out in your journal.

    What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (8)

    Most likely, if it’s hard for you find someone to relay your journey with, it is best to write it all down on paper. Know that your journal won’t judge whether you have any grammatical errors, or if you’re thinking too much, or if you’re feelings are over the top - your journal doesn’t care. Just write everything down to the last bit and see for yourself the difference.

    Your thoughts that are just inside your head, now finally materialized in ink.

    Aside from that, keeping a magickal record of your practices and the changes of your mental and physical behaviors is a good way to keep track of your development and figure out patterns in your life that are either beneficial or not for you.

  5. Keep good systems in your life.

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (9)

As I mentioned in my previous letter, having a structure is a crucial part in making your magick work.

Though it doesn’t mean that you really need to stick to one routine in your lifetime, it is vital for you to impose systems that will keep you moving forward and help continue your magickal studies.

Be it allocating one hour for studying astrology or meditating on one Tarot card daily - implement tasks that keep you on the loop with your practice. It could also be doing a particular number of positive affirmations in a day (I highly recommend you look into Neville Goddard and Dr. Joseph Murphy’s works) and create a specific schedule for your personalized meditations to talk with your Divine Guides or to God directly.

Others may also find more resonating to only one esoteric tradition than the other while some take lessons from multiple traditions and sources and create their own. Whatever systems you feel worked for you better, create a logbook and do your own analytics and evaluation that will help you improve your systems better. Documenting your feelings and thoughts regularly as you perform tasks will help you point out the changes happening within you (and even easily share your process to others.)

Don’t mix two contrasting traditions together.

Study the elements.

While quality of work is a must, the quantity of tasks you perform on a regular basis will always give you compound interest for the long term.

Put specific systems to manage and stabilize different aspects of your life - your family, finances, personal development, career/work, health, relationships, community & networking, etc.

I know this is definitely a long shot and might be the usual reasons why we are in a state of low vibration because we are already dealing too much 3D matters but then again, creating and keeping beneficial systems in your life gives you a far better chance in making it to the other side of the initiation bridge. ♥

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (10)

Be sure to regularly open our emails or you may go ahead to our app and read our blog.

Let Halina be your regular messenger to sprinkle your daily life with magickal dust ♥

Thank you for reading Everyday Magick, a newsletter series under Halina Movement publication. This post is public so feel free to share it.


All About Halina

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (11)

The concept of Halina is founded during the Mercury Retrograde season of May 2022. Arami Vosotros, its founder, was already doing live classes about spiritual development and mindset coaching inside her Facebook group back then but she felt that there’s something more that she’s meant to do. As her study on the Arcane knowledge progresses, she developed the idea of a Movement that helps spiritually awakened individuals in their journey and provide vital information that they could utilize in their newly found growth and expansion. When she got spiritually awakened back in 2021, she didn’t have anyone to lean on to as she navigated herself in understanding these new terms and perspectives. While she was able to get her way around by doing her own research and seeking mentorship, she knows that not everyone will be able to have that kind of opportunity, yet truly needed such support in keeping their light ignited. With this, she created various series of classes that caters one’s stage of spiritual awakening. She also offered group coaching and psychic alignment readings for more in-depth guidance and intimate conversations.

Now, Halina is expanding to a new phase of growth and development. Receiving this newsletter publication is just one of the pivotal parts of this expansion. As an independent creator, Halina’s pace of growth is slowly building up, alongside with the new realignment and the new possibilities opening up for this Movement to better serve its purpose. This about section is also continuously evolving, so you may get back here to this part for the latest developments.

Thanks for reading Halina Movement! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

What to do when you feel stuck in your spiritual journey (2024)


What to do when spiritually stuck? ›

How to Get Unstuck from a Spiritual Rut
  1. Notice Which Activities Energize You. ...
  2. Find the Holiness of Everyday Life. ...
  3. Cultivate Gratitude. ...
  4. Infuse Small Acts of Kindness into Your Day.
Apr 11, 2022

What to do when you feel spiritually drained? ›

  1. Step 1: Turn to God and Pray. It may sound obvious, but the answer to any problem is to turn to God. ...
  2. Step 2: Talk to Yourself Rather than Listening to Yourself. ...
  3. Step 3: Keep Up Your Spiritual Disciplines. ...
  4. Step 4: Wait and Expect God to Answer Your Prayers.

What to do when you are struggling spiritually? ›

6 Ways of Coping with Religious and Spiritual Struggles
  1. Realize you're not alone. ...
  2. Interrogate your experience. ...
  3. Reframe struggle as a sign of strength. ...
  4. Recognize this may be temporary. ...
  5. Seek support from someone you trust. ...
  6. Accept mystery and irresolution.
Mar 26, 2024

How do I unlock myself spiritually? ›

How to Tap into Your Spiritual Energy
  1. 1) Daily, morning meditation. Begin your day with a meditation practice. ...
  2. 2) Take altruistic action within the community. ...
  3. 3) Get a daily dose of nature. ...
  4. 4) Surround yourself in music. ...
  5. 5) Listen to your gut. ...
  6. 6) Support your mind and body. ...
  7. 7) Appreciate what you have. ...
  8. 8) Accept others.
May 22, 2020

How to reset your mind spiritually? ›

11 Ways to Reset your Mind, Body and Soul
  1. Meditate. Take a few minutes each day to sit in silence, breathe deeply, and clear your mind. ...
  2. Practice yoga. ...
  3. Take a walk in nature. ...
  4. Write in a journal. ...
  5. Take a digital detox. ...
  6. Practice gratitude. ...
  7. Get enough sleep. ...
  8. Try a new hobby.
Apr 26, 2023

How do I reset my spiritual energy? ›

Take the Shower. Get in the shower and start to relax while standing under the running hot water. Begin meditating and call on your spiritual guides again. Meditate for at least 10 minutes under the running water.

How to refresh spiritually? ›

12 Ways to Refresh and Deepen Your Spiritual Life
  1. Engage in spiritual reading. ...
  2. Pray the Morning Offering. ...
  3. Go to daily Mass at least once during the week, in addition to Sunday. ...
  4. Do a daily meditation. ...
  5. Pray the Angelus. ...
  6. Treat Sunday as a day for worship, time with family, and rest. ...
  7. Pray the Rosary. ...
  8. Practice penance on Fridays.

How do I restore myself spiritually? ›

Depending on your individual interests, some exercises to strengthen your spiritual core may include:
  1. Writing in a journal.
  2. Praying.
  3. Meditating.
  4. Reading scripture or other inspiration materials.
  5. Attending worship services.
  6. Conscious acts of forgiveness.
  7. Finding a safe place and person to talk to.

Why do I feel spiritually stagnant? ›

Maybe you've become stagnant in your spiritual formation because in your pride you've been trying to do everything. Or maybe you've become stagnant because in your laziness and carelessness you've been expecting God to do everything. Dependent discipline is the way forward. Work and trust.

How do I get out of spiritual stagnation? ›

Since the devil is the enemy we therefore need to fight in the place of prayer to get our life back on track, to where God has really destined it to be. The spirit of stagnation is a stubborn spirit, it does not disappear on his own, you have to pray aggressively to get it out of your life.

What does spiritual burnout look like? ›

In most cases, burnout coincides with feeling disconnected from our Higher Selves. Feeling lost, overwhelmed, and uncertain of what to do next are telltale signs that we are not aligned with our Higher Selves, but have fallen into feelings that keep us from doing the very things that would reconnect us.

Why do I feel so stuck spiritually? ›

Stuckness is a normal part of spiritual growth. We will encounter it many times throughout our lives as the universe helps us unravel the many layers of hurt we need to get through in order to grow. You can keep fighting it, but you are only sentencing yourself to a repeat of the same thing many times.

What does a spiritual crisis feel like? ›

Spiritual crisis (also called "spiritual emergency") is a form of identity crisis where an individual experiences drastic changes to their meaning system (i.e., their unique purposes, goals, values, attitude and beliefs, identity, and focus) typically because of a spontaneous spiritual experience.

What causes spiritual struggles? ›

Religious/spiritual struggles grow out of personal, social, and situational forces. Lacking a strong sense of purpose and significance in life has been linked with higher levels of religious/spiritual struggle (King et al., 2017).

How do I detach myself spiritually? ›

How Do I Use the Law of Detachment in My Life?
  1. To commit to detaching yourself from everything around you. Remove the weight of expectations from yourself and others. ...
  2. You have to accept that you cannot control anything. Expect the unexpected and let life take you for a ride. ...
  3. Be open to different things.

How do you break spiritual strongholds? ›

Once you recognize the stronghold, the next step to bringing it down is repentance. Be honest before God, and humbly let the Spirit expose the stronghold in the darkness. Pray, "Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind." When the Holy Spirit shows you an area of darkness, repent.

How do I stop being spiritually numb? ›

Put in daily effort. We can also become more sensitive to the Spirit through praying sincerely, studying the scriptures, partaking of the sacrament, attending the temple, participating in family history work, listening to spiritual music, ministering, or however else you feel close to God.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.